Explosive workout for beginning athletes

The following workouts will help condition any beginning athlete!

Warm-up exercises

Warm up for five minutes prior to beginning your workout. Avoid performing any type of static stretching prior to your workout, since doing so can increase your risk for injury before your muscles have been properly warmed up.

Jump rope: 30 to 60 seconds

Slide board (if accessible)

Isometric bridge
  1. Position your body as if you were going to do push-ups. Instead of supporting your body using your hands, rest on your elbows.
  2. Tighten your abdominal region and glutes.
  3. Hold this position from between 15 seconds to one minute.
  4. Repeat this exercise five times. This movement is highly effective because it heats up your core.
Jumping jacks: 60 seconds

Butt kicks: Butt kicks are similar to jogging in place. The objective of this movement is to make the heels of your feet hit your butt. Do this movement for 30 seconds.

Beginner exercises

Rest for about 30 seconds between each exercise. For each set you perform, there should be little to no time for rest in between sets.

One leg jog
  1. Balance yourself onto one leg and begin hopping on that leg for about 10 yards.
  2. Turn on that same leg, and hop back to the start point.
  3. Switch legs, and repeat three times on each leg.
Bench step ups: Use any type of solid bench for this exercise.
  1. Step up onto the bench with one leg.
  2. Explode upward, and switch legs in the air.
  3. Step back down and repeat with your other leg.
  4. Perform one set of 20 step-ups.
High knees: Start jogging, and bring each leg up as high as you can go. Focus on maintaining proper running form -- keeping your arms at a 90-degree angle and your hands loose. Jog with high knees for about 30 yards, then repeat three times.

Side to sides
  1. Position your body into a squat, and place your legs a bit further than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slightly bend your knees, and start hopping side to side on each leg, maintaining balance and proper form.
  3. Perform two sets of 15 side-to-sides.
Down ups: Down-ups will help build overall strength and explosiveness.
  1. Start jogging in place, then squat and drop yourself into a push-up position.
  2. Thrust yourself back upward to the starting position.
  3. Do two sets of 10 repetitions.
Sprint as fast as you can for 50 yards. After completing 50 yards, jog back to the starting line and repeat. Perform this exercise five times.

The cooldown

Spend about five minutes after your workout cooling down. Perform a series of relaxation stretches and jog lightly in place. Keep in mind that safety should always be your top focus when beginning a new training program. Your joints and tendons need time to strengthen before advancing to the next level. Do this beginner's workout for four weeks before advancing to an intermediate workout.

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