8 effective core & dynamic warm-up exercises

The warm-up is the most important part of your workout. The purpose of warming up is to get blood pumping into your muscles and heat up your core body temperature. An effective warm-up provides increased mobility and elasticity for all muscles groups.

There are two ways to warm up: the first type consists of core exercises; the second, dynamic flexibility. Never do static stretching (extended holds for 20 seconds or more) at the beginning of a workout or practice. Static stretching before a workout will decrease the elasticity of the muscle and increase the risk of injury by 200%. These types of movements and holds should always be saved for the end of your workout during the cool-down phase.

Core warm-up exercises

TVA breathing

This exercise is highly important for athletic performance. Always breathe through your stomach instead of through your chest cavity. TVA breathing can be performed standing up or lying down. Put one finger on your navel, and create a vacuum by drawing the stomach in to touch your spine. After drawing in, hold tight for 30 seconds and practice breathing through your stomach while the stomach is drawn in. This will take awhile to master, but a strong core enhances your entire athletic performance. Practice this exercise three times.

Supine bridge

Lie on your back with your knees bent, and extend your hips up into a flat table position. Activate your gluteus by squeezing together and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat this action three times.


Lie on your stomach and extend your arms straight out in front of you. Lift your legs and arms simultaneously, pretending you are flying like Superman. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat three times.

Leg lowering

Lie down on your back and bend your legs at a 90 degree angle. Lower your legs to the floor slowly, keeping your abdominal area tight. Perform three times.

Dynamic warm-up exercises


In a standing position, begin rotating your upper body back and forth with arms extended out about 15 times.


Put your hands out in front of you, and begin to slowly squat up and down in a pulsing movement. Perform this exercise 15 times.

Two leg hops

With your legs and feet together, begin hopping in place for about 30 seconds. Try not to jump extremely high or fast; remember, this is just a warm-up.


Jog in place for about 30 seconds, using the proper running form. Keep your hands loose and opened with arms at a 90 degree angle, pumping them back and forth with your legs.

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